Continuum Reactions or Reaction Kinetics

The Carbon Reaction Kinetics (CRK) is a set of data structures (types) and APIs for constructing, interacting, attachign to physical objects and visualizing reaction kinetics models.

  • The CRK objects form a network and provide a way for users and developers to create and interact with RK models.
  • CRK objects are similar to, and generally have SBML analogs.
  • Internally implemnted as C++, have C and Python APIs.
  • Represent both the API for creating networks, and for simulation and accessing values.
  • Are a tree structure that the nework visulazion and visual editing tools operate on.

The libSBML API is only designed for manipulating the SBML DOM, for creating and manipulating SBML documents. It does not have any way of accessing values in a simulaiton.

Our objects here are a way for both creating and manipuating an RK network, and also for accessing the values in a simulation.

alternate text

Fig. 12 The Carbon reaction-kinetics DOM is the core of our model construction, simulation and visulazion workbench

Python Interaction

The CRK provides a clean, concise and very native way for users to attach RK networks to objects. Users can add ‘species’ and optionally, ‘reactions’ definitions to a Python type, to automatically generate a rection kinetics network on every instance of that type:

# create one type of particle, species default to floating.
class A(m.Particle):
  species = ['S1', 'S2', 'S3']
  mass = 1

# another type, with some reactions, and more complex species
class B(m.Particle):
  species = {'S1' :Species(boundary=True, 1.0),
  reactions = ['S1 + S1 -> S3; k*S1*S2', 'S3->0; k2*S3']

# create a flux between species at particles
f = m.fluxes.fick(k=0.5, omega='gaussian')
m.Universe.bind(f, A.S1, B.Foo)
m.Universe.bind(f, A.S3, B.Foo)

The real power here with the CRK objects is that they also provide a way for users to directly access and manipulate simulation values even whilst the simulation is running. Adding a species (or reaction, or other CRK defintion) to a Python class automatically generates accessor symbols on that python type so that the actual value if the species is direclty availabe. For example, say a user created a bunch of the aformention particles. Both of these defined a ‘S1’ species, so a user could access these values directly as:

for p in m.Universe.particles:

This works because internally, CRK objects implement the Python Descriptor Object protocal, and provide a way to add symbols to type definitions that access the underlying value of that species or object name. This very different from the libSBML API, which only provides a way to define a network but has no concept of simulation or accessing values.

Network Visialization

The Network Visialization Component (NetViz) and Canvas shown in (Fig. 12) interacts with both the C API of the CRK ojbcts, and the C API of the canvas component. Becaue the CRK C API supports events, when end users click or interact with any object in the canvas, the coresponding CRK object will emit an event. These events are things such as mouse over, mouse enter, etc.. The NetViz componenent is essentially the glue between the network of CRK objects and the tree of Canvas objects.

  • Canvas API provides a series of methods to create visual, on-screen objects. Objects such as rectangles, text, shapes, etc..
  • On-screen Canvas objects listen for user mouse events, key press events, etc and provide an API for attaching event listners to these evetns,
  • The NetViz component has a reference to a set of CRK objects. It iterates over this collection, and generates a corresponding visual representation using the Canvas API.
  • NetViz listens for user events from the visual Canvas objects. NetViz can then signal a corresponding event in a CRK object. This enables end-user Python code to recieve events from end-user mouse input.

Model Loading

End users typically create CRK models using the Python API, or the interactive NetViz component. We also support readign and writing both SBML and Antimony documents. CRK also supports it’s own human-readable and writable (unlike XML 😄) file format.