Finding and Accessing Objects

One of the more comming user activities is finding, accessing and interacting with system objects after we’ve created them.

Most mechanica methods that return a list of particles actually return a specialized list called a ParticleList. This is a special list that can only contain particle derived types and has number of convenience methods for dealign with spatial information.

Suppose we want the average position, or average velocity for a list of particles, then we can simply:

>>> parts = A.items()
>>> type(parts)

>>> parts.positions()
    array([[10.97836208,  7.98962736, 16.90347672],
       [ 9.46043396,  4.44753504, 17.40228081],
       [13.12018967, 11.84001255,  6.71417236],
       [13.93455601,  4.16581154,  4.48115969]])

>>> parts.positions().mean(axis=0)
    Out[6]: array([ 9.9923632 , 10.01337742,  9.92124116])

Each Particle derived type has an Particle.items() method on the type that returns all of the objects of that type:

class MyType(m.Particle):

# make a few instances...

# get all the instances of that type:

parts = MyType.items()

We can acess ALL of the particles in the entire simulation via the universe.particles() function.

Frequently we might want to grab all the objects in a grid, for example, if we want to display some quantity as a function of spatial position. We can use the universe.grid() function to get all the particles binned in on a regular grid. Each element in the returned 3D array is a particle list of the particles at that grid site. For example, if we wanted a 10x10x10 grid, of particles, we would:

parts = universe.grid([10, 10, 10])

Finding Neighbors

Each object spatial object is aware if it’s neighbors, and we can get a list of all the neghbors of an object by calling the Particle.neighbors method.

The neighbors method accepts two optional arguments, distance and types. Distance is the distance away from the surface of the present particle to search for neibhbors, and types is a tuple of particle types to restrict the search to. For example, to search for all objects of type A and B a distance of 1 unit away from a particle p, we would:

>>> nbrs = p.neighbors(distance=1, types=(A, B))
>>> print(len(nbrs))