Cytoplasmic Particles

The motion of particles inside a cell is a very interesting scientific problem. We have a number of ways of representing particles bound to a region, we introduce the simplest method here. Mechanica provides a well potential that creates a hard potential wall, and constrains particles inside it. We can use the square well potential to model receptors in a cell’s cytoplasm.

Start with the usual model setup:

import mechanica as m
import numpy as np

# potential cutoff distance
cutoff = 9

receptor_count = 10000

# dimensions of universe
dim=np.array([20., 20., 20.])
center = dim / 2

# new simulator, don't load any example
m.Simulator(dim=dim, cutoff=cutoff, cells=[4, 4, 4], threads=8)

Make a couple particle types, one to represent a nucleus, and another for receptors. We want the nucleus fixed in space, so make it very heavy:

class Nucleus(m.Particle):
   mass = 500000
   radius = 1

class Receptor(m.Particle):
   mass = 0.2
   radius = 0.05
   #dynamics = m.Overdamped

Create a array of random positions within a solid sphere for the initial receptor positions:

# locations of initial receptor positions
receptor_pts = m.random_point(m.SolidSphere, receptor_count) * 5  + center

Make a well potential, and a soft_sphere potential. The well confines the receptors to within a fixed distance of the nucleus, and the soft sphere potential gives the receptors a definite shape, and prevents overlapping:

pot_nr = m.Potential.well(k=15, n=3, r0=7)
pot_rr = m.Potential.soft_sphere(kappa=15, epsilon=0, r0=0.3, eta=2, tol=0.05, min=0.01, max=1)

# bind the potential with the *TYPES* of the particles
m.bind(pot_rr, Receptor, Receptor)
m.bind(pot_nr, Nucleus, Receptor)

Create a random force (Brownian motion), zero mean of given amplitude, this gives the receptors some random motion.

tstat = m.forces.random(0, 3)

# bind it just like any other force
m.bind(tstat, Receptor)

Position the nucleus at the middle, and loop over the receptor points, and make a receptor, and finally run the simulation:

n=Nucleus(position=center, velocity=[0., 0., 0.])

for p in receptor_pts:

# run the simulator interactive
alternate text

Fig. 11 The square well binds particles to a region of space

The complete simulation script is here, and can be downloaded here:

Download: this example script